In Lower Hembrow an idyllic village nestled beneath Ham Hill in Somerset the villagers are preparing to enjoy the autumn traditions of the rural English countryside until Joe Trevillion a curmudgeonly local farmer and the father of six children vanishes.When Adam Hennessy the ex-detective proprietor of The Plough the village's popular Inn investigates he finds ominous undercurrents beneath apparently harmless rumour and gossip.Meanwhile a vicious campaign of vindictiveness forces Adam and his three amateur sleuth friends to dig deep into the secret lives of their neighbours to expose the source of a cruel vendetta and prevent another death.As they uncover the disturbing truth the friends learn they must also lay their own past lives to rest before they can hope to make their dreams for the future come true.
The Lost CoasteAudiobook Borrow Jonathan Kellerman; Jesse Kellerman / Robert G. Slade
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Charlotte Strevens
Charlotte Strevens studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, and since graduating her audio work includes voice-overs, audio books, narratives for the National Geographic and Biography Ch... more